Why Do I Need A Website?

Why Do I Need A Website?

Why do I need a website? That is a great question, and one that is posed by both new and experienced business owners. Maybe your company is doing just fine by using the tried and true word-of-mouth method of advertising. But wouldn’t it be nice to be doing better than just fine? Here are six reasons why a well designed and useful website is an extremely important asset for your business.

1. Make Your Virtual Mark

A website serves as your own digital footprint. One would think that with all the different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram you wouldn’t need your own website to have a digital footprint. While this is true, there is no social media platform that allows you to have the same freedoms as having your own website does – from custom designs and layouts to full-scale online stores and galleries there is virtually no limits to what can be done with your website.

2. Be Recognized.

A website can serve as a platform for many things, from a online store to a personal or professional blog. Whatever your overall purpose may be, your website will serve as an online brochure for you and your product. Create and spread your own branding with your website.

3. Increase Your Sales.

Maybe you have a storefront, accept telephone orders, or have door-to-door sales associates. With an online store you are not only adding one more front for customers to purchase your product, but you are also becoming easier to access. With a mobile-responsive website customers will be able to order your products from the comfort of their home on their computers or from anywhere in the world on their phones. It is estimated that internet users will spend $632 billion by 20201 in online purchases. I don’t know about you, but I definitely want in on that number!

4. Grow Your Customer Base.

There are over three billion internet users world wide.2 There is no better way to reach a wider target audience than to have your own website. With around one half of the world connected to the internet you are certain to gain more customers than ever before. You will not longer be limited to a single region, but rather you will have access to over half of the world.

5. Do Business 24-hours A Day.

Unlike a store front, call center, or sales associates, a website stays open and ready to do business 24 hours a day. Never miss out on another late night or early morning sale from someone in a different timezone or work schedule that your own.

6. Play With The Big Kids.

Almost all large corporations have their own website. There is no reason that you should not be able to be their competition with a well designed and productive website. Don’t fall behind, but beat out the competition with a high quality website geared towards user experience.

Contact us to find out more about having your own custom website developed.

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  1. Business Insider – http://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-accounts-for-43-of-us-online-retail-sales-2017-2
  2. Internet World Stats – http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats.htm